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OneLink JS




UX/UI Design 

Due to the confidential nature of the product, I am unable to showcase all of the app features. However, I will describe the design process and will show some of the examples of the work I am doing

The Product:

OneLinkJS is a web localization application that simplifies the proses of creating, launching, and optimizing multilingual websites. By relying on both human and AI-driven translations, the app speeds up content localization processes while also providing valuable web performance insight.

The Team: 

1  UX/UI Designer 
5  Developers

As a sole designer on a team of 5 developers,  you learn to not only advocate for the best design practices, but also make sure your designs can be implemented with the best coding practices.

One of the developers on the team was previously a designer, so working together allows us to validate design concepts and ideas while making sure they are feasible.   


Design Process:

To streamline the design process, I have been relying on the 4 Stage Design Process. Each stage is described in detail below. 

Group 4.png
Group 3.png
Group 5.png
Group 1.png

Stage 1: Empathize & Learn

User Research & Usability Analysis :

This includes analysis of the current app design state, it’s functionality and limitations, the UX and UI, the heuristics analysis.

My team helped me gain an in-depth understanding of the technology behind the product, while stakeholders meetings provided clarity on the business goals.

The user goals vary depending on the user groups. Some user groups are more closely 
related than others, but overall, they are distinct.

The biggest design challenge lies in that the app offers to solve so much for so many that it cannot be designed specifically for a few, but has to be designed for all.

The Users:



Group 2835@2x.png
Group 2840@2x.png
Group 2838@2x.png
Group 2839@2x.png
Group 2837@2x.png
Group 2836@2x.png
Group 2841@2x.png

Stage 2: Research & Analyze

Contextual Inquiry & Task Analysis:

I have been relying on the contextual inquiry method when performing user research. I would assign tasks to a user and observe the user’s interactions with the app while incorporating interview questions to facilitate thought-process sharing. 

The product has just recently been released, and there is not enough data that can support user research. However, I have been working with the team on making sure we collect necessary statistics that can be analyzed in the later stages.

Google Analytics

User Testing

onelinkJS user testing

Stage 3: Design & Test

Wireframing & Rapid Prototyping:

The 4 Step approach

Due to the fast-paced nature of work, most of the time I rely on the rapid prototyping approach. It allows me to quickly validate my ideas with the team, the stakeholders, and users.  

As a Step 1, I create a design based on initial Stage 2 research and requirements.

As a Step 2, I share mockups with the users I have access to, making sure I am meeting their needs.

As a Step 3, I share improved wireframes with the team to ensure the feasibility of the design.

As a Step 4, I share high-fidelity prototypes with the stakeholders to ensure business goals are met.

Examples of The Workflow:

OnelinkJS Example workflow

Stage 4: Implement & Validate

Code Reviews:

I take an active part in code reviews, making sure the UI looks and the UX works as expected. 

Direct User Feedback:

One of the fastest ways for me to get instant user feedback is via a slack channel where we have gathered many of the active users of the app. 


The implemented design went through rounds of user, team, and stakeholders feedback 

import 1

Validation and Another Attempt

Users had trouble finding the files even though the files were tagged. The improved design includes a search bar to address the use case

import 2

Weekly Stakeholders & Internal Users Presentations:

The weekly demos where we present the progress to our stakeholders, CTO & some of the internal users allow for instant user feedback. 

Validation & Improvement

Since UI/UX gets implemented on this stage, any flows get exposed. Stage 4 Validation process usually reveals opportunities to improve the UX/UI, so the design goes through Stage 1-3 again to get back to Stage 4.

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